Stop staring at email lists
How many contact records do you have of suspects, prospects, clients, former clients, etc.? Are you happy with the way you currently store and process them?
In our experience, lists can become cumbersome very quickly: They seem easy enough, e.g. in a spreadsheet, when you just have a few records. Then your list starts growing – not just in length / number of rows, but also in details, so you start adding columns. When you notice that filtering within the spreadsheet doesn’t work anymore, you make a separate list, e.g. for special records. You realize that every time you want to use one of your lists e.g. to send out an emailing to a certain target group, you or someone from your team spends an enormous amount of time going through the list with their eyes firmly set on the screen, typing changes here, correcting typos there, and once in a while deleting a row, etc.
That situation gets worse if you continue using lists, even if you’re using a tool if that is a list-based one: Inside such tools, they simply have two-dimensional lists. But even if you can create as many lists as you like, you won’t have the same possibilities for segmenting as with a proper database.
In the ideal marketer’s world, such records are stored in databases that house information on all the criteria and objects you need. Decent email marketing automation tools are available for all company sizes, including SMEs. Ideally, you connect them to a CRM system, but if you don’t (yet) use one, you can still do GDPR compliant email just with an automation database.
The cost of that shouldn’t be compared to just the emailing cost of a list-based sending tool, but to the time you / your team would be sitting in front of the screen staring at the lists…