Introducing Marketing Automation

March 1, 2021

Introducing marketing automation requires not just a monetary investment, but also time – defining processes, getting the database ready, training users, … But once everything is up and running, you will eventually save a lot more time than you invested. But how to get to that point faster?

Start by automating simple steps that may currently involve manual work, e.g. automated responses like confirmations, “thank you” messages, etc. Sending those from your automation tool instead of the web content management system will help build the complete customer dialog in one place.

But what’s even more important: You can already put the next step of the customer journey in the auto-response – like a link to lead nurturing content – and track the clicks (provided the recipients have consented to being tracked, of course!). That way your automation system can deliver a full reporting on all stages of engagement.

Needless to say, with simple quick wins your team will also learn faster how to operate the tool.